Sum of two numbers in C Language Program Source Code Free with Explanations...

// Sum of two numbers in C Language Program Source Code :-
void main()
int num1,num2,sum_num; // int means integer variable declaration
clrscr(); // clear the screen
printf("Enter First integer number :");
scanf("%d",&num1); // %d is to read an integer number from keyboard
printf("Enter Second integer number :");
sum_num=num1+num2; // calculating sum of given numbers
printf("Sum of %d and %d = %d",num1,num2,sum_num);
getch(); /* it is used for to wait the output screen upto getting any character from keyboard */

/* Save file as "anyname.c" and Run using Ctrl+F9.
If first number is given 23 and second number is given 57 then the output will be as :-
Sum of 23 and 57 = 80