C Program to find the largest of two numbers

C Program to find the largest of two numbers :-
void main()
int num1,num2; // integer declaration

clrscr(); // clear the screen

printf("Enter First integer Number :"); // prompting for a number
scanf("%d",&num1); // read an integer from keyboard

printf("Enter Second integer Number :");

if(num1==num2) // checking whether equals
{ printf("Both %d and %d are equal",num1,num2); }

else if(num1>num2) // num1 greater than num2
{ printf("Number %d is grater than %d",num1,num2); }

else // otherwise num2> num1
{ printf("Number %d is grater than %d",num2,num1); }

getch(); // using as a wait command

Sum of two numbers in C Language Program Source Code Free with Explanations...

// Sum of two numbers in C Language Program Source Code :-
void main()
int num1,num2,sum_num; // int means integer variable declaration
clrscr(); // clear the screen
printf("Enter First integer number :");
scanf("%d",&num1); // %d is to read an integer number from keyboard
printf("Enter Second integer number :");
sum_num=num1+num2; // calculating sum of given numbers
printf("Sum of %d and %d = %d",num1,num2,sum_num);
getch(); /* it is used for to wait the output screen upto getting any character from keyboard */

/* Save file as "anyname.c" and Run using Ctrl+F9.
If first number is given 23 and second number is given 57 then the output will be as :-
Sum of 23 and 57 = 80

Hello World C Program with full explanation.

Hello World C Program with Explanation are given below :-

void main()
printf("Hello World!");

printf() function is defined in the header file stdio.h, so it must be included at top of the program. Like clrscr() and getch() functions are defined in conio.h.
To include a Header file, the syntax is #include at the top of the program.
C Program to be written in main() function. Then void main() means the main() function returns nothing and it will study later.
We use ";" as a statement terminator so clrscr(),printf() and getch() are used ";" but "void main()" doesn't have ";" because it is not terminated there, it follows "{" and "}" .
clrscr() function uses for to clear the screen.
printf() for print something.
getch() uses for to get a character from keyboard and it is used here as a wait command.
Save file name as "anyname.c"
Compile using Alt+F9
Run using Ctrl+F9
The output will be as:

Hello World!

then press enter key to return to the source program editor.

Solutions - Unable to Open include file stdio.h or conio.h in C Programming

Solutions for Unable to Open include file stdio.h or conio.h in C Programming is just see the Menu Options and in which select Directories then change the Drive letter, ie if the include directories path is "C:\TC\INCLUDE" change C as D or E etc. If the software is copied from D or E etc can be tried. The same to do for "C:\TC\LIB".

How to get started C Programming Language Study?

C Programming Language study is simple, humble and at the same time complicated, too. First we have to check whether C Programming setup file installed or not in our Computer. Perhaps it may be installed or it can even be copied from other Computer. If it is copied, the folder named TC must be in the same DRIVE as in the source Computer, otherwise it will not work properly and will get an error like "stdio.h can't open", because the source and destinations drives are different. Then find the file named "TC.EXE" in the computer and double click on that, then we will get the C Programming interface, ie a window will appear, there we can open new file and write C Programe. After the completion of the programe, just save file as "anyname.c" and then this file has to be Compiled using the keys "Alt+F9" and, if there is no error seen, Run using the keys "Ctrl+F9" then output will be displayed in the Monitor.