Hello World C Program with full explanation.

Hello World C Program with Explanation are given below :-

void main()
printf("Hello World!");

printf() function is defined in the header file stdio.h, so it must be included at top of the program. Like clrscr() and getch() functions are defined in conio.h.
To include a Header file, the syntax is #include at the top of the program.
C Program to be written in main() function. Then void main() means the main() function returns nothing and it will study later.
We use ";" as a statement terminator so clrscr(),printf() and getch() are used ";" but "void main()" doesn't have ";" because it is not terminated there, it follows "{" and "}" .
clrscr() function uses for to clear the screen.
printf() for print something.
getch() uses for to get a character from keyboard and it is used here as a wait command.
Save file name as "anyname.c"
Compile using Alt+F9
Run using Ctrl+F9
The output will be as:

Hello World!

then press enter key to return to the source program editor.