Fist Year BCA Model Question Paper for C Programming Language :-
Model Question Paper
B.C.A. : I Year: Programming using C: Time: 3 Hrs.
Max. Marks: 100
1) Answer the following Questions : 10 x 2 = 20 M
a) Define Algorithm.
b) Define Identifier.
c) What is the Purpose of sizeof() operator.
d) Compare while and do-while loops. Justify your answer.
e) Define Recursion.
f) How can we initialize an array.
g) What is the difference between structure and union ?
h) Define Pointer variable.
i) Define Macro.
j) What is the purpose of rewind() function.
Section – B
Answer the following questions. 4 x 20 = 80 M
2. a) Explain the structure of C program.
b) Explain features of C language.
c) Describe in brief the operators in C language.
d) Write a C program to evaluate the following expression.
3. a) Explain control structures with examples.
b) Explain different parameter passing techniques.
c) Write a program to calculate factorial of given number using
4. a) Define array. Write a C program to sort elements of array
in ascending order.
b) Explain string manipulation function with examples.
c) How can we pass strings as arguments to functions.
d) Explain Nested structures with examples.
5. a) Explain Pointer Arithmetic with examples.
b) Write a C program to access array elements using Pointers.
c) Explain different file modes available in C language.
c) Describe in brief about Random Access Files